Sergey “Tank” Pukhov
Callsign: танк (Tank)
Name: Pukhov, Sergey A
Rank: OR-7 (Ста́рший сержа́нт) Equivalent to E-6 Staff Sargent
Primary MOS: Assault Trooper
Secondary MOS: Heavy Equipment Mechanic
Areas of Expertise: Armor Tactics, Armor Operations, Special Operations, Infantry Tactics, Infantry Weapons, Boxing, Machine Repair, English Language.
Pukhov is an exceptionally strong and towering presence. He built up his body in his previous assignment with 338th Separate Repair and Recovery Battalion of the 1st Tank Army. With little active combat in East Germany he spent much of his time bulking up by lifting spare tank parts and becoming inter-divisional tournament boxing champion 3-years running. But don’t let his strength fool you, Pukhov is smarter than he appears, perhaps the smartest person on Volk’s Team. He is an avid reader and devoted family man, something rare in Soviet special Operations.