Roman “Paradox” Wagner
Callsign: PARADOX
Name: Wagner, Roman T.
Rank: E-8 (Senior Master Sergeant)
Primary MOS: Para-Rescue Jumper (PJ)
Secondary MOS: Triage and Combat Medicine
Areas of Expertise: Infiltration, Rescue and Evasion Tactics, Small Arms Expert, Field Medicine, Small Arms, Russian language, Spanish language.
The leader of Longbow 22-2, Paradox was an established Pararescue Jumper when the Vietnam War started. Highly effective LSO (Limited Surface Operations) and E&E (Escape and Evasion). During the war was selected for several of the books missions to rescue special operations troops in Vietnam and unspecified neighboring countries. Air Force Cross recipient. Marksman-level handgun expert. Reputation for successful multitasking extreme combat medical procedures. Paradox was one of the first operators brought to the Ranch.