Keith “Outlaw” Overby
Callsign: OUTLAW
Name: Overby, Keith J.
Rank: (E-5) Sergeant
Primary MOS: Counter-Terrorism/Close Quarters Combat
Secondary MOS: Linguistics/translator
Areas of Expertise: Dynamic Entry, SWAT Tactics, Counter-intelligence, Russian, German, French, Spanish Languages- also several Middle-Eastern and Asian dialects.
Outlaw was an Operator specializing in SWAT tactics and Close Quarters Battle (CQB) when he was loaned out to the SAS in 1979. During the Iranian Embassy Situation, he developed a knack for counter-terrorism, and was transferred to GSG-9 in Germany to train with the unit. During a stint with France’s GIGN, he was involved in a mission to aid a Soviet defector, the success of this mission made him a prime candidate for Longbow. Outlaw thrives on meeting people and being introduced to new cultures. He is very team-oriented and enjoys a friendly rapport with his team mates.