Vasyl “Myasnik” Devyataev
Name: Devyataev, Vasyl A.
Rank: OR-6 (Сержа́нт) Equivalent to E-5 Sargent
Primary MOS: Airborne Trooper
Secondary MOS: Ordinance
Areas of Expertise: Bladed Weapons, Special Operations, Explosives, Infantry Tactics, Infantry Weapons, English Language, American Culture.
Devyataev genuinely enjoys inflicting pain on others and is known to occasional exhibit outbursts of rage. Some, even his comrades, would describe him as sadistic. Conscripted into the Red Army but was later scouted into the “Tula Division” of the VDV (Воздушно-десантные войска России). The VDV maximized his viciousness, and gave him advanced training in special tactics, explosives, and his favorite area, knife fighting. He is a top threat to Longbow personnel and should not be underestimated.