Scott “Lancer” McMasters
Callsign: LANCER
Name: McMasters, Scott T.
Rank: (E-7) Sergeant First Class
Primary MOS: Infantry Command
Secondary MOS: Field Medic
Areas of Expertise: Unconventional Warfare, Force Multiplication, Combat and Squad Tactics, Field Medicine, Intelligence Gathering, Russian and Spanish Language.
Lancer grew up the son of a West Virginia coal miner. Enlisted 1968 and deployed to Vietnam, before being selected for Special Forces in the late 1970s and eventually became an opposition forces field commander for Green Beret “Pineland” exercises. He is a heroic but cautious leader. More used to spending months in the field, tracking and watching the enemy, while avoid them until the battle is on his terms, than rushing in guns blazing. He’s cool under pressure and wants all the information he can get, to formulate a plan of action.