Cameron “Double-Tap” Emick
Callsign: DOUBLE-TAP
Name: Emick, Cameron T.
Rank: E-6 (Staff Sergeant)
Primary MOS: Designated Marksman/Counter Sniper
Secondary MOS: Dynamic Entry
Areas of Expertise: Expert in all Small Arms, Assault Tactics, Tactical Entry, Close Quarters Combat, Russian Language, Soviet Ideology, Counter-Sniper Training.
“Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast”. Focused and intense, Tap served as a member of Delta Force in their rebuilding years after the disastrous Operation Eagle Claw mission. During his time with Delta he picked up skills in marksmanship and counter-sniper operations. He deployed to Grenada with Delta before being recruited for LONGBOW in 1983. Contrasting with Lancer’s more cautious style, Tap is ever ready for direct action. He has developed a reputation on the team as a smart-ass, but is well liked by the other members of LONGBOW 2-2.